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University of Haifa, Israel
Title:The centenarian epigenome: DNA methylation and chromatin formation of the oldest old
Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Iran
York University, Canada
Title:Robust joint statistical tests for DNA methylation data
Avalon University School of Medicine, Curacao
Title:Anencephaly a chance of teratogenicity by Antiepileptic drugs during organogenic period
Nova Medical Center, UAE
Title:Root canal morphology and its implications in Endodontic therapy
Military Institute of Medicine, Poland
Helwan University, Egypt
Title:Automatic detection of epileptic discharges in long EEG recordings
Alpert School of Medicine of Brown University–Rhode Island Hospital, USA
University of Abomey Calavi, Benin
Title:Staphylococcal population in lanhouin: potential indigenous starter?
VIA University College, Denmark
Title:Coping with Parkinsons disease in everyday life: A metasynthesis
Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation State Research Institute, Poland
Title:The genetic and functional diversity of bacterial community in soils contaminated with crude oil
Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation State Research Institute, Poland
Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Italy
Title:The airway microbiome in cystic fibrosis: where are we now?
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Title:Competence development and natural transformation in Micrococcus luteus
CSIR- Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, India
University of Helsinki, Finland
Epigenetics Ltd., Israel
Title:Activation of epigenetics passway for improving traits in different cultivars
Taif University, KSA
Title:Hemoglobin derivatives concentration enhacement after usage of magnetic treated water (MTW)
University of Barcelona, Spain
Title:The end of green-washing: Business opportunities for FMCG companies based in sustainability
Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry–Queen Mary University, UK
University of Forestry, Bulgaria
Title:Dynamics of microflora in the process of composting organic waste and bioplastics
Daejeon University, South Korea
Title:HEPAD, a novel therapeutic approach of Parkinson’s disease
Chosun University, South Korea
Title:Increased TRPC5 glutathionylation contributes to striatal neuron loss in Huntington’s disease
Title:PDO threads to redefining the facial contour and inducing collagen production
Ospedale Santa Maria della Misericordia di Udine, Italy
Uka Tarsadia University, India
Ain Shams University, Egypt
Kuwait Cancer Control Centre, Kuwait
Title:Molecular Basis of Multiple Sclerosis explains the disease pathophysiology
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Ain Shams University & Alazhar University, Egypt
Title:Effect of diode laser and photoactivated disinfection on root canal Enterococcus faecalis biofilm
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, KSA
Title:Molecular research on Alzheimer’s disease of Saudi patients and its applications
University of Sharjah, UAE
Title:The oral microbiome and salivary biomarkers in health and disease
Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Title:Anticonvulsant and antiepileptogenic effects of metformin
SEMrush, Russia
Title:Measuring the Future: The KPI's that really matters for your marketing team
Istanbul Eah Hospital, Turkey
Title:A case of thyroid hemiagenesis diagnosed after essential tremor symptoms
Taibah University, KSA
Dr.Hussein Labib Dental Clinic, UAE
Title:Short Dental Implants as promising solution in Implant Dentistry
Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Universidad Anahuac Queretaro, Mexico
Title:Paracetamol degradation model in water by the photo-Fenton process with artificial neural networks, Spain
Kainos Medicine Inc., South Korea
Imperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital Campus, UK
Title:TRF1 suppresses break induced replication and early onset of ALT induction
University of Texas Health San Antonio, USA
Title:Dental clearance prior to medical intervention in patients with liver failure
Korea University Ansan Hospital, South Korea
Title:Gaze-evoked nystagmus associated with lamotrigine toxicity
University of Murcia, Spain
University of Murcia, Spain
Title:Superficial soft tissue tumors: Role of sonoelastography
Qingdao University, China
Title:The effects of 6-OHDA on iron metabolism in astrocytes are mediated by hypoxia-inducible factors