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Lille is located in Northern France, near the France border with Belgium. It is famous for its architecture that has Flemish touch. Lille is marked as fourth largest city in France. In the year 2010, Lille was named as Internet City of France.
Market analysis report highlights that the growth of pharmaceutical market has been increased from 2013 to 2015 and maintained a constant growth throughout the year from 2015 to 2016. This figure had increased to 28.2% by 2016 and expected to remain the same till 2018.
Figure 1: Expected Growth Rate of Pharma Sector at Lille (in Billion Dollars)
According to market analysis, employment trends in nursing sectors have increased by 20% in the past 4 years. The number of nursing graduates has increased by 72% in year 2012 to 82% in 2013, with 90% current rate of graduates in 2016. This significant growth indicates the tremendous growth rate in nursing sector in the coming future.
Figure 2: Employment of New Nursing Graduate Trends by Region (in %)
Market Report of Immunology in France, reflects the limited research scope of the field. Most of the research related to immunology are funded by International Organization and are very rarely supported by local funding agencies, leading to decline in the rate of immunological research. The declination rate of research is 27% which is evident from the graph.
Figure 3: Declined rate of research in Immunology field (in %)
The global neuroscience market size is valued $24 billion out of which France contributes 20%. This CAGR is expected to grow by 2.9% over next three years. Current funding is encouraging the research in this field in order to increase the study of complexity of brain to a deeper extent.
Figure 4: Increasing rate of research in Neuroscience (in %)
Market report says that the global cancer drug market is expected to reach $1119 billion by 2020. Over the years France population has added 6.5-8 years to their life expectancy by fighting cancer and they are one of the highest life expectancies in Europe. However, these caused more investments in the healthcare sector, especially in oncology.
Figure 5: Decreased Mortality Rate due to Cancer (in %)
According to market study, most of the construction and manufacturing materials are taken from Strasbourg, which is the hub of engineering in France. Its manufacturing market has been seen to grown by 20% over the last two years and is expected to increase by 40-45% by the next one or two years primarily due to strong investments in infrastructure, building and industrial construction .
Figure 6: Increased rate of Manufacturing Market (in %)
Global cardiology market is evolving rapidly and is expected to reach $97 billion by 2018. The World Heart Federation (WHF) unites 200 members spanning 100 countries in the fight against cardiovascular disease Global Data research predicts the worldwide market for CMD devices will reach $1.2 billion by 2017.
Figure 7: Funding for Cardiology
In recent research, it has been found that France type 2 diabetes market has shown a growth of approximately $987 million from 2012 to 2016 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8% by 2022 with a total of $2.1 billion.
Figure 8: Type 2 Diabetes Market (in million $)
Lille is France’s top student city having 110,000 students and 20 colleges affiliated to Université of Lille
Université de Lille I
Université de Lille II
Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille III
Ecole Centrale de Lille
École nationale supérieure de chimie de Lille
Skema Business School
École pour l'informatique et les nouvelles technologies
ESA – École Supérieure des Affaires
IEP Sciences-Po Lille
Institut supérieur européen de formation par l'action
Institut supérieur européen de gestion group
European Doctoral College Lille Nord de France
EDHEC Business School
Université Catholique de Lille
Ecole des Hautes études
École des hautes études commerciales du nord
Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique
European Association for Injury Prevention and Safety Promotionm
Vectalys – lentiviral vectors
Biolie – enzymatic extraction
Hemarina – marine oxygen carriers
BMG Labtech – microplate readers
3D Matrix – synthetic extracellular matrix
NVH Medicinal
Daiichi Sankyo
Charles River Laboratories
Novian Health
Micropoint Bioscience
Polyplus Transfection
A3 Surgical
BSN Medical
West Pharma
3D Matrix – synthetic extracellular matrix
Midwifery Today Conference, 19–24 October 2016, Strasbourg, France
European Dysmorphology Meeting, 07-09 Sep 2016, Strasbourg, France
European Symposium on Vascular Biomaterials, 12th-14th October 2017, Strasbourg, France
2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 29 Oct - 06 Nov 2016, Strasbourg, France
Paediatric Imaging, 08-09 Sep 2016, Paris, France
Lyons Knee Surgery, 22nd-24th September 2016 in Lyon, France
International Neuroergonomics Conference, 06-07 Oct 2016, Paris, France
Symposium on Hormones and Cell Regulation, 05-08 Oct 2016, Mont-Saint-Aignan
DNA Polymerases, 04-08 Oct 2016, Biarritz, France
International Society of Plastic & Regenerative Surgeons, 06-09 Oct 2016, Marseille, France
Aesthetic and Anti-aging Medicine European Congress (AMEC), 21-22 Oct 2016, Paris, France
World Cancer Congress (UICC), 31 Oct-03 Nov 2016, Paris, France
Macrotrend Conference On Health And Medicine, 20th-21st December 2016, Paris, France
World Congress on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, 19th-22nd January 2017, Cannes, France
Symposium on Medicine and Psychoanalysis, 27-28 Jan 2017, Paris, France
IMCAS Annual World Congress, 26-29 Jan 2017, Paris, France
Paris Hepatitis Conference, 30-31 Jan 2017, Paris, France
International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, 15th-18th February 2017, Paris, France
International Congress on Targeted Anticancer Therapies, 06-08 Mar 2017, Paris, France
Biotechnology for the Non-Biotechnologist Conference, 26-28 Apr 2017, Nice, France
Neurosciences in Intensive Care International Symposium, 16th-17th June 2017, Paris, France
Pan Europe Pacific Medical & Legal Conference, 5th-12th July 2017, Paris, France
Pan Europe Pacific Dental & Legal Conference, 5th-12th July 2017, Paris, France
19th Euro Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, June 19-21, 2017 Paris, France
EACSL Conference on Computer Science Logic, August 29, 2016 - September 01, 2016, Montpellier, France
International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, September 04, 2016, September 08, 2016, Montpellier, France
SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium, September 20, 2017, September 22, 2017, Montpellier, France
European Actuarial Journal Conference (EAJ), September 05, 2016, September 08, 2016, Lyon, France
International Conference On Principles And Practice Of Constraint Programming, September 05, 2016, September 09, 2016, Toulouse, France
International Meeting Of Rhinoplasty Societies (IMRHIS), September 08, 2016, September 10, 2016, Versailles, France
ESPE Annual Meetings, September 10, 2016, September 12, 2016, Paris, France
International Symposium of Human Sea, October 17, 2016, October 19, 2016, Nantes, France
World Congress On Targeting Microbiota (WCTM), October 03, 2016, October 04, 2016, Paris, France
17th Global Cardiologists Annual Meeting, June 19, 2017, June 21, 2017, Paris, France14th
International Conference on Neurology and Neurosurgery, June 21, 2017, June 22, 2017 Paris, France
6th World Congress on Pharmacology August 07, 2016, August 09, 2017, Paris,France
International Conference on Cell Signalling and Cancer Therapy August 20, 2016, August 22, 2017, Paris, France
4th World Congress on Biopolymers, September 07, 2017, September 09, 2017, Paris, France
9th Annual Conference on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine September 05, 2017, September 06, 2017, Paris, France
International Conference on Biotech Pharmaceuticals October 23, 2017, October 25, 2017, Paris, France
Models for Plant Growth Environmental Control and Farm Management in Protected Cultivation, September 19, 2016, September 22, 2016, Avignon, France
Conference Tuberculosis: Interdisciplinary research on tuberculosis and pathogenic mycobacteria, September 19, 2016, September 23, 2016, Paris, France
The Duty Free and Travel Retail Global Summit, October 02, 2016, October 07, 2016, Cannes, France
International Neuroergonomics Conference, October 06, 2016, October 07, 2016, Paris, France
International Society of Plastic & Regenerative Surgeons (ISPRES), October 06, 2016, October 09, 2016, Marseille, France
International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM), October 09, 2016, October 14, 2016, Dijon, France
European Conference On Flood Risk Management, October 17, 2016, October 21, 2016, Lyon, Fran
Machines of the Isle of Nantes
Château des ducs de Bretagne
Passage Pommeraye
Nantes Cathedral
Jules Verne Museum
Natural history museum of Nantes
Tour Bretagne
Château de Goulaine
Tour Bretagne
Stade de la Beaujoire
Château de Goulaine
Tomb of Francis II, Duke of Brittany
Musée Dobrée
Basilica of St. Donatian and St. Rogatian
Cabinet des estampes et des dessins
Jardin Botanique Strasbourg
Musée alsacien
CME Credits
Islamic Azad University, Iran
Title:Reproduction Carangoides chrysophrys in Persian Gulf (Hormozgan Province Waters)
University of the Basque Country, Spain
Title:Biocomposites reinforced with nanocellulose/graphene hybrid nanofillers
Fire Mountain Residential Treatment Center, US
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Kyung Hee University, South Korea
Central Veterinary Laboratory, Agriculture & Marine Resources Affairs, Bahrain
Title:Incidence of pigeon’s infectious coryza in a farm in Bahrain and the associated risk factors
Saad Dahlab University, Algeria
Osaka University, Japan
Title:Tuning the properties of MoS2 monolayers using rare earth doping
Florida International University, USA
University of KwaZulu-Natal School of Nursing and Public Health, South Africa
Title:Nurses as Direct Care Provider and their Mental Health Safety During the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis
National Research Centre, Egypt
Merit University, Egypt
Title:Effects of kinesiotaping on pain and functions of chronic nonspecific low back pain patients
Faculty of Medicine at Menoufia University, Egypt
Title:Value of thrombomodulin as a diagnostic and prognostic marker for sepsis in critically ill
Marmara University, Turkey
King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
Avantium Renewable Chemistries, Netherlands
Sandia National Laboratory, USA
Title:Interdiffusion kinetics in Cu-Ni(Fe) nanolaminate structures
Sohag University, Egypt
University of Santo Tomas Hospital, Philippines
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
Title:Concept of equivalent temperature of laser crystals and glasses
University of Tehran, Iran
University of Tehran, Iran
University of Tehran, Iran
University of Tehran, Iran
Forest Research Institute, Chile
Title:Development and results of agroforestry in Chile: A way to connect forest and agriculture
Jhang (sub-campus University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore) PunjabPakistan
University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Iran
Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
Hebrew University, Israel
Islamic Azad University, Iran
Title:The effect of amino acid supplement on the efficacy of the Newcastle vaccine in broiler poultries
Islamic Azad University, Iran
Islamic Azad University, Iran
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, UK
The Netherlands
Title:Four types of electrons, each allowing matter to behave in a specific way, according to twin physics
Pomeranian Medical University, Poland
University College London, United Kingdom
university of Baghdad, Iraq
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Defence Research and Development Organization, India
Title:Engineered metal oxide nanoparticles, nano-bio interaction and toxicology
University of Management and Technology, Pakistan
Title:Theoretically IR and Raman spectra of propane using GAMESS
Bharathiar University, India
Title:Dielectric study of hydrogen sulphate ( AHSO4 and BHSO4 , A= Sodium, B= Potassium) crystals
Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Title:Parametrical optimization of inductively coupled RF ion thruster design
IKG-Punjab Technical University, India
Title:Parametric investigations into manufacturing of magnetic abrasives by sintering process
Applied Polymer Innovations BV, Netherlands
Title:The development of commercial high-end applications of biopolymers
Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary
Title:Ultrafast photoemission from plasmonic nanotriangles and applications
Korea Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
Ganpat University, India
Title:Intranasal voriconazole-loaded nanoemulsion for enhanced therapy of cryptococcal meningitis