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Mannheim is a city in the southwestern part of Germany, the third-biggest in the German condition of Baden-Württemberg after Stuttgart and Karlsruhe. Mannheim is among the twenty biggest urban areas in Germany, with a 2012 populace of around 295,000 occupants. The city is at the centre of the larger densly populated Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region which has a population of 2,400,000 and is Germany's eighth-biggest metropolitan locale.
Mannheim is situated at the confluence of the Rhine and the Neckar in the northwestern corner of Baden-Württemberg. The Rhine isolates Mannheim from the city of Ludwigshafen, just towards the west of it in Rhineland-Palatinate, and the border of Baden-Württemberg with Hesse is just towards the north. Mannheim is downstream along the Neckar from the city of Heidelberg. Mannheim is situated in Germany's hottest locale, the "Rhine move". In summer, temperatures some of the time ascend to 35 °C (95 °F) and higher. The most elevated recorded temperature was 39.8 °C (104 °F) on August 7, 2015. The day by day lows amid warmth waves can be high by north European benchmarks (around 25 °C/77 °F). In contrast with different areas of Germany, Mannheim has a higher humidity in summer which resullts in high heat index. Snow is uncommon, even neglected in some months.
Universities in Mannheim
University of Mannheim
Hochschule Mannheim University of Applied Sciences
Heidelberg University
Lübeck University
Magdeburg University
Würzburg University
Leipzig University
University of Bamberg
University of Bayreuth
The University of Bielefeld
University of Bonn
University of Bremen
University of Duisburg
University of Hildesheim
University of Cologne
University of Kaiserslautern
University of Karlsruhe
University of Konstanz
University of Augsburg
University of Saarland
University of Passau
University of Rostock
Market Analysis & Funding for Pharma | Nursing | Immunology | Neuroscience | Cancer | Engineering | Cardiology
According to the market research report of Germany, the sales of pharmaceuticals increased by 4.5% year on year in 2014 to EUR29.4 billion (USD33.2 billion), according to Insight Health. The German retail pharmaceutical market’s total revenue (via retail pharmacies) in 2014 has increased by 4.5% year on year (y/y), according to German healthcare information services provider Insight Health. Funding for Pharma studies in Germany is provided by The Global Pharma Health Fund which is exclusively funded by Merck.
Scholarships for Nursing studies are offered by various Universities and colleges for various course levels. There are many organizations which created Nursing Scholarships and grants for nursing students. In 2017, Nursing Scholarships and Grants for PhD research are financed by Novo Nordisk Foundation, Denmark. These scholarships are available at hospitals, universities and all non-profit research organizations.
Large number of scholarship openings are exclusively packaged for international students who are in the field of Immunology. Commonwealth Shared Scholarships for Immunology in UK are offered by Department for International Development (DFID). Welcome Trust Strategic Award (WTSA) is the International Research Scholarship Program that supports the training of exceptionally talented international students.
European Brain and Behavioral Society conducts research into the relationship between brain mechanisms and behavior and offers travel fellowships for PhD students. European Neuroscience Campus conducts neuroscience research, funded by the Erasmus Mundus program, and provides fellowships and grants for graduate study at seven different European university campuses. There several other Societies and organizations which offer funding for Neuroscience Research in Germany and Europe.
According to Market research reports in 2013- The risk of getting cancer before age 57 is 28.3% and people dying for cancer in 217,600 in Germany. There are several funding Organizations, Universities and Societies for Cancer Research in Germany. The major Cancer Research Funding organizations are Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/German Research Foundation (DFG), German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), German Cancer Aid, Helmholtz-Association, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft/Max Planck Society (MPG), Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz/Leibniz Association (WGL).
There is plenty of financial support available for both domestic and international students for Masters in Germany. The body responsible for promoting German higher education and supporting students is Deautscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, or DAAD which is one of the largest in the world. Grants are match-funded in Germany- which means they are usually made up of €150 of government funding and a further €150 from private donors (sometimes this can include the university at which you study).
The German Research Foundation Provides €600 Million Annually for Health Sciences and allocates roughly 5% to Cardiovascular Research. Most support for research in the cardiovascular field at universities comes from the German Research Foundation, which funds all sciences. The German Research Foundation’s provide individual grants and collaborative grants for cardiovascular research. German Research Foundation is the main tool for supporting scientific research.
Associations in Mannheim
German Medical Association
German Network for Evidence Based Medicine
German Diabetes Society
Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany (AWMF)
German Society for Digestive and Metabolic Diseases
German Cardiac Society
German Association for the Control of Virus Diseases
German Agency for Quality in Medicine
German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology
Conferences in Mannheim
The EMBO Meeting 2016 Mannheim, 10th–13th September 2016
German Congress on Laboratory Medicine, Mannheim, Germany, 28 - 30 Sep 2016
Annual Meeting of the German Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health 07 Oct 2016 - 08 Oct 2016 Bonn, Germany
Congress of the Southwest German Society of Internal Medicine 28 Oct 2016 - 29 Oct 2016 Karlsruhe, Germany
General medicine Refresher Leipzig 02 Nov 2016 - 05 Nov 2016 Haus Leipzig,Elsterstraße 22, 04109 - Leipzig, Germany
EVK Workshop 2016 — Endoskopie Workshop EVK Düsseldorf, 09 Nov 2016, Düsseldorf, Germany
Neurologie Refresher, 25-26 Nov 2016, Germany
DDG-Tagung, 26-29Apr, 2017, Berlin, Germany
International Conference on Computational Models of Argument, 13-16 Sep 2016, Germany
Beilstein Nanotechnology Symposium, 27-29 Sep 2016, Germany
International Society for Horticultural Science Symposium, 05-07 Oct 2016, Germany
Mobile App Europe conference, 02-03 Nov 2016, Germany
Agile Testing Days European Conference, 05-09 Dec 2016, Germany
Debtwire Germany Forum, 13 Sep 2016, Germany
Renewable Energy, 12-13 Sep 2016, Germany
CISO GAS Summit, 13 Sep 2016, Germany
Smashing Conference Freiburg, 12-13 Sep 2016, Freiburg, Germany
Congress of Nephrology, 10-13 Sep 2016, Germany
International Conference on Semiconductor Ferroelectrics and Photoferroelectrics, 12-13 Sep 2016, Germany
The EMBO Meeting Advancing the Life Sciences, 10-13 Sep 2016, Germany
Conference on Bio science, 12-13 Sep 2016, Germany
International Conference on Influenza, 12-13 Sep 2016, Germany
Future Security Conference Berlin, 13-14 Sep 2016, Germany
Plastic Pipes Conference and Exhibition, 12-14 Sep 2016, Germany
International Conference on Genomics & Pharmacogenomics, 12-14 Sep 2016, Germany
International Conference on Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine, 12-14 Sep 2016, Germany
Energy & Society Conference, 12-14 Sep 2016, Germany
European Symposium on Polymer Spectroscopy, 11-14 Sep 2016, Germany
Frontiers of Retrovirology Conference, 12-14 Sep 2016, Germany
Pharma and Biotech Companies and Industries in Mannheim
Horizon Pharma
CMC Pharma
Noxxon Pharma
Merz Pharma
Deca Pharmaceuticals LLC
Attractions of Mannheim
Luisenpark Mannheim
Mannheimer Wasserturm
Schloss Mannheim
Technoseum Mannheim (ehemals Landesmuseum fuer Technik und Arbeit)
SAP Arena
Fernmeldeturm Mannheim
Planetarium Mannheim
Carl-Benz Stadion
Islamic Azad University, Iran
Title:Reproduction Carangoides chrysophrys in Persian Gulf (Hormozgan Province Waters)
United Medical & Dental College, Pakistan
Central Veterinary Laboratory, Agriculture & Marine Resources Affairs, Bahrain
Title:Incidence of pigeon’s infectious coryza in a farm in Bahrain and the associated risk factors
Airlangga University, Indonesia
Title:Correlation between benzene concentrations with trans and trans-muconic acid
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Title:The impact of appropriate assessment of pressure ulcer among clinicians
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Title:The effect of educational program on nurses’ knowledge about pressure ulcer
Edna Adan University, Somaliland
University of Surrey, UK
The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET), Kuwait
The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET), Kuwait
Title:Performance enhancement of tubular membrane module using air bubbling system
Central Metallurgical Research & Development Institute, Egypt
Title:Modal finite element analysis of the first global body in white Saudi car Gazal 1
The University of Manchester, UK
The University of Manchester, UK
Title:Enhanced PIM-1 membrane performance using OA-GO-UiO-66 filler for CO2 separation
King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
Institute of Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety, France
Title:Stem cell therapy for the treatment of severe tissue damage after radiation exposure
Shahed University, Iran
University of Tehran, Iran
University of Tehran, Iran
University of Tehran, Iran
University of Tehran, Iran
Texas A&M University, USA
Title:Dairy manure gasification for heat and power generation
Taif University, Saudi Arabia
Title:Development and evaluation of chitosan-based systems for oral delivery of insulin
Taif University, Saudi Arabia
Title:Development and evaluation of chitosan-based systems for oral delivery of insulin
Jhang (sub-campus University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore) PunjabPakistan
Islamic Azad University, Iran
Title:The effect of amino acid supplement on the efficacy of the Newcastle vaccine in broiler poultries
Islamic Azad University, Iran
Islamic Azad University, Iran
National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritosâ€, Greece
University of Education Freiburg, Germany
Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Iran
Institute of Pharmacology- PAS, Poland
Alabama A&M University, USA
Title:Standoff Raman detection of economically motivated adulteration in food
Latrobe University, Australia
State Office for Inventions and Trademarks, Romania
Title:A theoretic model of astro-particles forming from a Bose-Einstein condensate of gammons or mesons
Scientific-Technological Center of Organic and Pharmaceutic Chemistry, Armenia
Title:Polymerization in Monomer - Water Heterogeneous Systems
National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia, Armenia
Title:Growing profi le of single crystals using polymer materials
Institute for Physical Research, Republic of Armenia
Ibrahim Medical College, Bangladesh
Title:Relationship of dental diseases with systemic diseases and its managements
Taif University, KSA
Title:Hemoglobin derivatives concentration enhacement after usage of magnetic treated water (MTW)
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria
Clinical Sciences Bayer, China
Osong Medical Innovation Foundation, South Korea
Title:A case of surgical repair of fracture of the tibia in a common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)
Beykent University, Turkey
Title:Exhaust Gas Heat-Driven Steam Ejector Refrigeration for an Automobile
The Education University of Hong Kong, China
Faculty of Design and Environment, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
Title:Capabilities of planted groundcovers in promoting sustainability of revegetated soil slopes
Chuan Sheng Dental Clinic, Taiwan