Munich Conferences

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Germany Conferences


Munich is the capital and largest city in the south of Germany state of Bavaria situated on the banks of River Isar north of the Bavarian Alps and the 12th biggest city of the European Union occupying the 3rd place after Berlin and Hamburg with a population greater than 1.5 million. The city is a major centre of advanced technologies, publishing, art, finance, culture, development, innovation, business, education, and tourism in Germany and Europe. Munich is the home to numerous national and international authorities, exhibitions, major universities, museums and theaters. Its various architectural attractions, international sports events, exhibitions, presentations, conferences and Oktoberfest attract extensive tourism. It is also famous for its many fine churches, the Cathedral of our Lady (Frauenkirche), the city's most popular building; and Michaelskirche, the biggest Renaissance church north of the Alps.

Munich's city climate lies between the humid continental climate and the oceanic climate. July is the warmest month of the year, and the coolest month of the year on average is January. Thunderstorms and showers bring the monthly highest average precipitation in which June, on average, recording the most precipitation of any month. The winter month tend to bring lower precipitation whereas February brings the least amount of monthly precipitation for the year.


Funding towards Nursing

Germany like most countries has been challenged by ever-rising health care costs, which now consume 10.4 percent of the country’s GDP. The statutory (public) health insurance funds, often referred to as the sickness funds, cover about 90 percent of the population. Germany has some 180 statutory health insurance funds, and they account for approximately 70 percent of the health system’s revenue. Germany is in the middle of the pack among developed countries when it comes to healthcare spending per capita, according to a report released by the Commonwealth Fund. Funding sources include Medicaid and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. From 2000-2011, the share of health workers employees consists of 27.6%, doctors and dentists 25.4%, semi inpatient care 16%, and ambulant long term care 7.1%., there is a percentage increase from 2011-2020 that include doctors 42%, ambulant 44%, semi-inpatient care 28%,and 84% employees. Nurse Family Practitioner Intervention (NFP) has been associated with improvements in maternal health, child health, and economic security. It is supported through a combination of individual and foundation/corporation donors that include the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

                  Figure 1. Employment status of Nursing from 2000-2020 (%)


Funding towards Pharma & Biotech Industries

Germany has become a significant source of innovative drugs developed through biotechnology. Germany is “the pharmacy of the world” and is the third largest pharmaceutical market in the world and the largest market in Europe. In 2007, sales of 26.8 billion euros were generated at wholesale price level, an increase of 5.5 percent in comparison to 2006. Most notable is the expansion of exports in the pharma sector. With export share increasing from 36 percent in 1995 to 57 percent in 2007, Germany is among the strongest exporters of pharmaceuticals in the world. The Industrial Master Plan 2010 – 2020 is more than another rule for reasonable modern arrangement. Most of the pharmaceutical products were sold within the EU (69 percent, FSO), foremost in Belgium (26 percent), the Netherlands (10 percent), and France (5 percent). Outside of the EU, the major importers of pharmaceutical goods, “made in Germany”, were the United States (25 percent) and Switzerland (17 percent). In 2014, the highest number of company founders originated from Berlin, trailed by Hamburg, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Wuerttemberg. Berlin has a tremendous store of area accessible for business improvement – 4,450 hectares. With a gross included estimation of 9.6 billion euros, Berlin businesses contributed around 9% of Berlin's general financial yield.

            Figure 2.  % of Pharmaceutical products sold from 2010-2020


Funding towards Vaccines

The country’s development activities focus on maternal, newborn, child health, and value for money, sustainability, health systems strengthening and align very well with the Vaccine Alliance. The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) made contributions with the sum of EUR 16 million between 2006 and 2010. Immunization programmes have acted as a pathfinder for universal health coverage and the development of stronger health systems. The Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) has set ambitious targets for achieving universal access of vaccines and immunizations. The application of modern biological technologies and advances in our understanding of genomic knowledge has resulted in new concepts like reverse vaccinology, DNA vaccines, recombinant subunit vaccines and non-replicating vectors. ImevaX GmbH a biopharmaceutical company founded in 2014 based in Munich/Germany is a spin-out of Technical University of Munich (TUM) and is sponsored with funds of 35 million euros from the German Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF). This sum has been pledged to Gavi (Global Alliance of Vaccines and Immunizations) a critical contributor towards ensuring these goals for the period 2016 to 2020 that is 500-600 million euros in which another 300 million children in developing countries are to be immunised.

                Figure 3. Germany Contributions with different Ministries


Funding towards Neuroscience

Neuroscience research in Germany is primarily conducted at universities but also at non-university research institutions. The DFG (German research foundation) is the largest independent research funding organisation in Germany. It promotes the advancement of science and the humanities by funding research projects, research centres and networks. It funds a multitude of individual projects in the area of neurosciences. An important development for the neurosciences is the establishment of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in which its goal is to intensify basic and translational research in the field of neurodegeneration. The Max Planck Society consists of more than 80 Max Planck Institutes and supports fundamental research of 4 billion euros as an independent and non-profit association of German research institutes.  The Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers is the largest scientific organisation in the country with budget of more than 3 billion Euros provided by the federal government (90%) and the states (10%) whereas The Leibniz Association has a budget of 1.4 Billion Euro. In the neurosciences, every four years about 40 scientists is democratically elected by called Neuroscience Board representing all fields of the neurosciences, from clinical psychiatry, neurology, and psychology to the computational neurosciences. 

  Figure 4. Fundamental Neuro Research Support Association-Societies


Funding towards Cardiology

The bulk of cardiovascular research in Germany occurs in medical school cardiology departments at universities. The German Research Foundation allocates roughly 5% to Cardiovascular Research, where individual grants and collaborative research centre grants 2 different types of proposals it funds that represent the backbone of research funding in Germany. Cardiovascular researchers at universities rely on the German Research Foundation and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as their main sources of funding. The Helmholtz Society has 2 major institutions the Max Delbrück Centre for Molecular Medicine in Berlin and the GSF–National Research Centre for Environment and Health in Munich in which most famously, the Max Planck Institutes, include an institute for cardiovascular research, then the Leibniz Society. Cardiovascular researchers in Germany regularly participate successfully in funding at the European Union (EU) level. Projects in cardiovascular medicine receive €28 million per year, which equates to roughly 5% of the total for life sciences. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research spends a total of €14 million per year on research networks in cardiovascular medicine. So, in total, Germany spends €150 million of public money each year on cardiovascular research.

                Figure 5. Cardiovascular Medicine Funding in Germany


Funding towards Chemistry

The German Chemical Society is one of the largest scientific societies in the world, with more than 31,000 members. It promotes chemistry in education, research and application and seeks to deepen the understanding and knowledge of the general public and also brings people together working in chemistry and the molecular sciences. With 2010 turnover of EUR 180 billion, the German chemical industry played a leading role in European performance, generating a quarter of total EU-27 sales of EUR 721 billion. Germany is the world‘s fourth largest chemical market, being surpassed only by China (EUR 694 billion), the US (EUR 584 billion), and Japan (EUR 214 billion) in terms of revenues. The KWS (Keiser Wilhelm Society) opened its first institute premises for Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry in the Berlin. With a share of more than 25% the German chemical industry has consolidated its leading role in Europe during the recent years. Germany is the leading exporter of chemicals and pharmaceuticals in the world. Germany will post solid growth between now and 2030.  The chemical industry utilizing 13% of renewable resources conducts intensive research to obtain chemical building blocks C2 to C4 from outside the petrochemical industry. R&D accounts for 19 percent of total industry expenditure. The expenditure in Germany was EUR 9.4 billion making the sector the second strongest R&D industry after the automotive sector.

              Figure 6. Chemical Industry Market in different Countries


Important Tourist Attractions in Munich | Munich Conferences

Munich's Magnificent Residenz
Frauenkirche: The Cathedral Church
The New Town Hall
Asam Church
The English Garden
St. Peter's Church
Cuvilliés Theater
Burial Place of the Kings: St. Michael's Church
National Theater Munich and the Bavarian State Opera
Hellabrunn Zoo
Nymphenburg Palace
Königsplatz and the Kunstareal District
The Bavaria Statue and the Hall of Fame
BMW Welt Museum
Linderhof Palace
Cuvillies theatre
Residenz Royal Palace
Dachau concentration camp
Viktualien Market
Residence palace
Olympic stadium
Alte Pinakothek museum
Field Marshal’s hall
Starnberg Lake


Universities in Munich| Munich Conferences

Ludwig Maximilian University
Technical University
Munich University of applied sciences
University of Applied Sciences for public administration and legal affairs
Catholic University of Applied Sciences
Bundeswehr University
University of Television and Film
University of Ingolstadt
Ukrainian free University
Ducal Georgianum
University of Music and performing arts
Macromedia University for media and communication
Doerner Institute
Academy of fine arts
Centre for integrated protein science
Language and interpretation institute
Bavarian academy of Sciences & Humanities
AMD Academy mode and design
Fachhochschule University
Studentenverbindungen University
Humanist University Group

Schools and Colleges at Munich

Munich School of philosophy
International academy of science
Carl Remigius medical school
New European college
Intellectual property Law centre (MIPLC)
Media design school
IMPRS (International Max Planck research school for Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences)
Global Business College
IESE Business College
Munich International Bilingual School
Royal school of applied arts


Associations/Organizations of Munich | Munich Conferences

Association of the Automotive Industry

European Association for Critical Animal Studies

Power Electronics community

International Association of Civil Engineering Students

Foundation of European Nurses in Diabetes

Baden Württemberg association of doctors

Research University in the Helmholtz Association

Research of KIT scientists Association

Association for Psychological Science (APS)

German Dental Council

German Respiratory Society

The Association of German Engineers

Association of the German Petroleum Industry

Research Association of the German Food Industry

German Federation for Food Law and Food Science

The German Farmers' Association

Society for Paediatric Oncology and Haematology -

German Society Of Haematology And Oncology

German Medical Association

German Society For Urology

German Society of Residents in Urology

German Diabetes Society

German Association of Endocrine Surgeons

German Society for Endocrinology

German Endocrine Society

German Cardiac Society


Pharma and Biotech Companies and Industries in Munich | Munich Conferences

Isarna Therapeutics
Daiichi Sankyo
Medigene AG


Conferences in Munich

12th Congress of the European Hip Society, September 6-9, 2016, Munich, Germany

Regulations & Safety in Cosmetics Conference, September 21-22, 2016, Munich, Germany

EPE'16 ECCE Europe — 2016 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Sep 5 - 8 2016, Karlsruhe - Rheinstetten, Germany

Technoarete-International Conference on Environment and Bio Science (ICEBS-16), September 10th-11 2016, Berlin, Germany

PEPC10 — Protein expression, purification, and characterization Conference, September 12 - 20 2016, Hamburg, Germany

Building conference and exhibition, geotechnics, September 14- 17, 2016, Bielefeld, Germany

Drug Safety Congress Europe, September 14-15 2016, Munich,  Germany

89th Annual Meeting of the North German Dermatological Society, September 16- 18 2016, Hamburg, Germany

DAlzG2016 - 9th Congress of the German Alzheimer Society - Dementia self-help, September 19 - 01 October 2016, Saarbrücken, Germany

Immunotherapy Europe Conference, September 21 - 22 2016, Berlin, Germany

Euro Spine Conference, October 5- 7 2016, Berlin, Germany

19th Heart of Europe Bio crystallography Meeting, September 29 - 01 October 2016 Warberg, Germany

DOG 2016 — The Annual German Ophthalmological Society (DOG) conference, September 29 - 02 Oct 2016, Berlin, Germany

EMBO CONFERENCE: Experimental Approaches to Evolution and Ecology Using Yeast and Other Model Systems Conference, Oct 19 - 23 2016, Heidelberg, Germany

6th European Congress of Virology, Oct 19 - 22 2016, Hamburg, Germany

2016 IMB Conference on Epigenetics in Development, October 20 - 22 2016, Mainz, Germany

SWGIM 2016 - 53rd Congress of the Southwest German Society of Internal Medicine, October 28 - 29 2016, Karlsruhe, Germany

Annual Meeting of the German Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health,Oct 07 - 08 2016, Bonn, Germany

The Power of Programming 2016 - Developmental Origins of Adiposity and Long-term Health Conference, October 13-15, 2016, Munich, Germany

Scientific Annual Meeting of the German Society of Orthodontics,  Sep 14 – 17 2016, Hanover, Germany

Cell & Gene Therapy Europe, Sep 21 - 22 2016, Berlin, Germany

European Gas Summit ,Sep 27-28 2016, Renaissance Dusseldorf Hotel

Impact Mapping with Innovation Games Conference, October 17, 2016, Munich, Germany

Conference on Web Tech, October 23-27, 2016, Munich, Germany

Conference on Depression module: trademark research intensive, October 25, 2016, Munich, Germany

Congress of the Southwest German Society of Internal Medicine, Oct 28 - 29 2016, Karlsruhe, Germany

ISER 26th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow ICHTFF, October 29-30 2016, Berlin,  Germany

EMBL Conference on Cancer Genomics, November 5 - 8 2017, Heidelberg, Germany

EMBL Conference on Functional Genomics to Systems Biology, November 12 - 15 2016, Heidelberg, Germany

DFGDT 2016 - 49th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Functional Diagnostics and Therapy, November 24- 26 2016, Bad Homburg, Germany

Conference on Life Sciences exchange, November 15-16, 2016, Munich, Germany

Conference on Immune checkpoints Inhibitors, November 16-18, 2016, Munich, Germany

Conference on Multiphysics, simulation and application design, October 12-14, 2016, Munich, Germany

Conference on Bioequivalence, Dissolution & IVIVC, November 14-16 2016 Berlin, Germany 

Conference on WOMEN in leadership global summit, November 24-25 2016, Berlin, Germany 

The World Congress on Clinical Trials in Diabetes, (WCTD2016), November 30- December 1st 2016, Berlin, Germany 

Oncological week 2016 - NGA Winter talks, 2016 Nov 18 - 19 2016, Tübingen, Germany

ISER – 88th International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Science ICABS, December 22-23 2016, Berlin,  Germany

ISER 88th International Conference on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials IC2NAM, December 22-23 2016, Berlin,  Germany

IRES110th International Conference on Food and Agricultural Engineering ICFAE, December 23-24 2016, Heidelberg,  Germany

IRES 118th International Conferences on Medical and Health Science ICMHS, December 23-24 2016, Heidelberg,  Germany

11th Power Skin Conference, January 19- 20, 2017, Munich, Germany

7th Annual Advanced Automotive Battery Conference Europe, January 30 - February 2 2017, Mainz, Germany

EMBL-Cancer Core Europe Conference: Cancer Immunotherapy, February 2- 4 2017, Heidelberg, Germany

AEK — 19th International AEK Cancer Congress, March 1st- 3 2017, Heidelberg, Germany

AMP Global 2017, Global Congress on Molecular Pathology Conference, Apr 3-05 2017, Berlin, Germany

23rd Annual Meeting on General Dentistry, April 24-26 2017, Frankfurt,  Germany

EMBO Conference — Advances in stem cells and regenerative medicine, May 23- 26 2017, Heidelberg, Germany

International conference on Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Chinese Medicine, May 18-19, 2017, Munich, Germany

Conference on Homeopathic World Medical Assembly, June 14-17 2017,  Leipzig, Germany

ISA 2017 - 5th Munich International Summer Academy of Practical Dermatology Conference, July 25-29, 2017, Munich, Germany

WATOC 2017 –World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists Conference, August 27- September 1st, 2017, Munich, Germany

Food Micro Conference, Sep 03 - 06 2018, Berlin, Germany

EMBO Conference on Protein Synthesis and Translational Control, September 6- 10 2017, Heidelberg, Germany

Euro Spine Conference, October 5- 7 2016, Berlin, Germany

WPA XVII World Congress of Psychiatry, October 8 - 12 2017, Berlin, Germany




Austria Conferences

UK Conferences

Switzerland Conferences

Conference Speakers

Abdalla Fadlalla Azrug

Central Veterinary Laboratory, Agriculture & Marine Resources Affairs, Bahrain

Title:Incidence of pigeon’s infectious coryza in a farm in Bahrain and the associated risk factors

Adnan Alhathal AlAnezi

The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET), Kuwait

Title:Performance enhancement of tubular membrane module using air bubbling system

Ahmad Gemeal

Central Metallurgical Research & Development Institute, Egypt

Title:Modal finite element analysis of the first global body in white Saudi car Gazal 1

Alain Chapel

Institute of Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety, France

Title:Stem cell therapy for the treatment of severe tissue damage after radiation exposure

Amin Gohary

Burjeel hospital, UAE

Title:Gohary’s disease

Arnos Arshaki Hovhannisyan

Scientific-Technological Center of Organic and Pharmaceutic Chemistry, Armenia

Title:Polymerization in Monomer - Water Heterogeneous Systems

Arnos Arshaki Hovhannisyan

National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia, Armenia

Title:Growing profi le of single crystals using polymer materials

Bernard M Y Cheung

University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Title:Clinical therapeutics in Hong Kong

CHAU Ngai Lung

Faculty of Design and Environment, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong

Title:Capabilities of planted groundcovers in promoting sustainability of revegetated soil slopes