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CME Credits
Islamic Azad University, Iran
Title:Reproduction Carangoides chrysophrys in Persian Gulf (Hormozgan Province Waters)
University of the Basque Country, Spain
Title:Biocomposites reinforced with nanocellulose/graphene hybrid nanofillers
Fire Mountain Residential Treatment Center, US
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Kyung Hee University, South Korea
Central Veterinary Laboratory, Agriculture & Marine Resources Affairs, Bahrain
Title:Incidence of pigeon’s infectious coryza in a farm in Bahrain and the associated risk factors
Saad Dahlab University, Algeria
Osaka University, Japan
Title:Tuning the properties of MoS2 monolayers using rare earth doping
Florida International University, USA
University of KwaZulu-Natal School of Nursing and Public Health, South Africa
Title:Nurses as Direct Care Provider and their Mental Health Safety During the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis
National Research Centre, Egypt
Merit University, Egypt
Title:Effects of kinesiotaping on pain and functions of chronic nonspecific low back pain patients
Faculty of Medicine at Menoufia University, Egypt
Title:Value of thrombomodulin as a diagnostic and prognostic marker for sepsis in critically ill
Marmara University, Turkey
King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
Avantium Renewable Chemistries, Netherlands
Sandia National Laboratory, USA
Title:Interdiffusion kinetics in Cu-Ni(Fe) nanolaminate structures
Sohag University, Egypt
University of Santo Tomas Hospital, Philippines
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
Title:Concept of equivalent temperature of laser crystals and glasses
University of Tehran, Iran
University of Tehran, Iran
University of Tehran, Iran
University of Tehran, Iran
Forest Research Institute, Chile
Title:Development and results of agroforestry in Chile: A way to connect forest and agriculture
Jhang (sub-campus University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore) PunjabPakistan
University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Iran
Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
Hebrew University, Israel
Islamic Azad University, Iran
Title:The effect of amino acid supplement on the efficacy of the Newcastle vaccine in broiler poultries
Islamic Azad University, Iran
Islamic Azad University, Iran
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, UK
The Netherlands
Title:Four types of electrons, each allowing matter to behave in a specific way, according to twin physics
Pomeranian Medical University, Poland
University College London, United Kingdom
university of Baghdad, Iraq
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Defence Research and Development Organization, India
Title:Engineered metal oxide nanoparticles, nano-bio interaction and toxicology
University of Management and Technology, Pakistan
Title:Theoretically IR and Raman spectra of propane using GAMESS
Bharathiar University, India
Title:Dielectric study of hydrogen sulphate ( AHSO4 and BHSO4 , A= Sodium, B= Potassium) crystals
Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Title:Parametrical optimization of inductively coupled RF ion thruster design
IKG-Punjab Technical University, India
Title:Parametric investigations into manufacturing of magnetic abrasives by sintering process
Applied Polymer Innovations BV, Netherlands
Title:The development of commercial high-end applications of biopolymers
Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary
Title:Ultrafast photoemission from plasmonic nanotriangles and applications
Korea Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
Ganpat University, India
Title:Intranasal voriconazole-loaded nanoemulsion for enhanced therapy of cryptococcal meningitis