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Conference Speakers

Abdalla Fadlalla Azrug

Central Veterinary Laboratory, Agriculture & Marine Resources Affairs, Bahrain

Title:Incidence of pigeon’s infectious coryza in a farm in Bahrain and the associated risk factors

Adepeju Lateef

University of KwaZulu-Natal School of Nursing and Public Health, South Africa

Title:Nurses as Direct Care Provider and their Mental Health Safety During the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis

Alan A Smith

Avantium Renewable Chemistries, Netherlands

Title:Avantium renewable chemistries update

Aleksei Koniashkin

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia

Title:Concept of equivalent temperature of laser crystals and glasses

Asma Alhosni

The University of Manchester, UK

Title:MDBP- Microbial degradation of bio-polymers

Avnika S Anand

Defence Research and Development Organization, India

Title:Engineered metal oxide nanoparticles, nano-bio interaction and toxicology

Ayesha Mohyuddin

University of Management and Technology, Pakistan

Title:Theoretically IR and Raman spectra of propane using GAMESS

Bandar Al harbi

Prince Sultan Military Medical City, KSA

Title:Patient Safety and Quality Control

Bas Krins

Applied Polymer Innovations BV, Netherlands

Title:The development of commercial high-end applications of biopolymers

Bashayer abahussain

King Fahad Medical city Riyadh, KSA

Title:Sleep disturbance in ICU